
Vivien Lee
Apr 12, 2021

I’m focusing on the things I do right now because winning is just an effect of my work that I’m doing every minute.

— Iga Świątek

Photo by John Fornander on Unsplash

然今年大部分時間冇得打網球,但係當然有睇法網,成個比賽最深刻嘅quote係上面依句。Winning is just an effect。

成日都講goal setting,最鍾意問你覺得5年後你會喺邊,講好多future,但係當下要點做呢?



話說今年有機會可以重新做一個student,不過最後都係turn down咗offer。我以為係我驚future,但其實最大嘅obstacle我嘅past。老老豆豆,好似undergrad咁再嚟多一鑊點算?


Destination is just an effect of walking the steps I’m taking every minute。

又正如我去到Nashville都覺得死在那裏也不錯,與其係喺度糾結究竟下一站係啱定錯,不如去做多啲我enjoy嘅嘢。唔經歷trial,又點知係error?(ICYMI,最尾嗰句係rhetorical,人生都有好多life or death situations唔適合用trial and error依個方法去試,例如吸毒同生仔。)

突然諗起Dumbledore同哈利仔講:「Don’t pity the dead. Pity the living.」人生有時都幾難。



Vivien Lee

Full-time dreamer, part-time armchair psychologist. They/them.